Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summoning All Readers

So! I've been thinking again of changing the format of this blog. Life, inexorable creature that it is, has once again imposed its will upon me, and I won't have all the free time to write long articles as I previously had. My original goal with this blog was an online repository of articles from my own, developing thinking on game theory and design. I meant for every article to be excellent, or at least useful, and to be written entirely at my own pace. The layout of the website was meant to have minimal distraction to focus the reader on the text. To be honest, I never really expected to have a readership, and thus I never really wrote my articles with the reader in mind.

Now then, dear reader,what do you think? I am considering switching to a more stream-of-conscious approach (closer to the Gameblog than Grognardia). Shorter articles, more to the point, more comfortable style. I also may end up starting a new blog, so as to preserve this one. Please do provide your feedback and let me know what you think.

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