Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dungeon Mono-Tables

Inspired by Jeff's vertical geomorph Castle Dundagel (an idea I have also been thinking of lately) and the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game, I have sketched out some mono-tables for random dungeon encounters. Similar to the critical hit charts in DCC, simply roll on the encounter table with a die type determined by the dungeon level being explored. These levels are as follows:

Wilderness ~ Roll 1d6. The wilderness is 83% empty.
Environs ~ Roll 1d7. The environs are ruled by bandits, 71% empty.
Ruins ~ Roll 1d8. The ruins are contended ground, 62% empty.
Level I ~ Roll 1d10. Level I is contended ground, 10% treasure, 10% traps, 50% empty.
Level II ~ Roll 1d12. Level II is ruled by humanoids, 8.3% treasure, 8.3% traps, 41% empty.
Level III ~ Roll 1d14. Level III is ruled by the undead, 14% treasure, 7% traps, 33% empty.
Level IV ~ Roll 1d16. Level IV is ruled by the undead, 12% treasure, 12% traps, 31% empty.
Level V ~ Roll 1d20. Level V is ruled by the giants, 15% treasure, 10% traps, 30% empty.
Level VI ~ Roll 1d24. Level VI is ruled by the dragon, 16% treasure, 13% traps, 29% empty.
Level VII ~ Roll 1d30. Level VII is ruled by demons, 16% treasure and 13% traps, 23% empty.

Encounter Table
1-5 No Encounter
6 Monster
7 Bandits
8 Humanoids + Roll Again
9 Treasure + Roll Again
10 Trap
11 Humanoids
12 Monster
13 Undead
14 Treasure + Roll Again
15 Undead
16 Trap
17 No Encounter
18 Treasure + Roll Again
19-20 Humanoids + Roll Again
21 No Encounter
22 Treasure
23 Trap + Roll Again
24 Dragon
25 Undead
26 Trap
27 Treasure + Roll Again
28 Demon + Roll Again
29+ Demon

When an encounter is indicated, simply roll the same level die on the specific encounter table. I've left the tables for Treasures, Bandits and Demons open for the judge to design. Unlike the other tables, they should be unique, with entries crossed off after they are rolled, signaling the party's progress through the dungeon. The dragon doesn't have a table, as there is only one dragon (although an extra table might indicate if he is sleeping or not).

1 Alarm (roll on humanoid)
2 Net Trap
3 Bear Trap
4-5 Spear Trap
6 Collapsing Ceiling
7-9 Pit Trap
10 Laughing Gas
11-12 Arrow Trap
13 Crushing Walls
14 Sleep Gas
15 Pit Trap full of (roll on undead)
16-17 Poisoned Darts
18-19 Pit Trap full of water
20-23 Spiked Pit Trap
24-25 Poison Gas
26-27 Spiked Crushing Walls
28-29 Cave-in
30 Dimensional Door

1-3 Kobolds
4-5 Goblins
6 Gnoles
7 Bugbears
8-10 Orcs
11 Orcs + Roll Again
12 Half-Ogres
13 Cavemen
14-15 Ogres
16 Ogre Magi + Roll Again
17-19 Cave Giants
20 Giant King + Roll Again
21-24 Trolls
25-26 Duergar
27 Drow
28 Cyclops
29 Roll twice more, first roll are slaves of second roll
30 Ancient Alien

1 Giant Boar
2 Wolves
3 Bear
4-5 Rat swarms
6 Giant centipedes
7 Giant rats
8 The Owlbear
9 Stirges
10 Green Slime
11-12 Stirges
13 Gelatinous Cube
14 Yellow mold
15 Giant Centipedes
16 Insect Swarm
17-18 Giant Spiders
19 Cave Bears
20 Giant Lizards
21 Giant Lizards driven by (roll on humanoid)
23 Beholder
24-25 Basilisk
26 Deep Horror eating (roll again)
27 Hydra
28 Black Pudding
29 Giant Cobra
30 Titanic Worm

1-3 Ghouls
4-8 Zombies
9-12 Skeletons
13 Carrion Crawler
14-15 Wights
16 Lich
17 Wights
18 Plague Zombies
19-21 Zombified... (roll on humanoid)
22 Ghost
23 Vampire
24-25 Wraith
26 Banshee
27 Zombified... (roll on humanoid)
29 Undead Wyvern
30 Giant Skeleton

Voilà, one complete dungeon! Let me know what you roll up.

1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard of mono-tables before, but since I largely play solo, this kind of thing really speeds up play time since I generate everything with tables on the fly. I dig it mucho. Good work!
